What is a unit? A unit is a different name for a wig.
What is unprocessed virgin human hair? Unprocessed virgin human hair comes from one donor with no chemicals and steam treatment only. It is 100% human hair. No synthetic hair whatsoever.Unprocessed virgin human hair can last 1+ years with proper care.
What are machine-custom, ready to ship/wear units? These units I make myself using a sewing machine. I create a natural look by bleaching the knots then plucking and styling the hair, giving our customers a luxurious look.
What are pre-made, ready to ship/ready to wear units? These units are pre-made/machine made by our vendor. Similar to our machine-custom units we give our customers a natural, luxurious look by bleaching the knots then plucking and styling the hair.
What is a ready to ship/ready to wear unit? The machine-custom and pre-made units are delivered to you already customized thus allowing you to save time and money. After receiving the unit use your foundation or concealer to apply to the lace closure. Then place the unit on your head to cut the extra lace off.
If you need help go to YouTube and type How to Apply Make-up to a Lace Closure and How to Cut Off The Extra Lace.
It's very easy.
What types of lace closures do you offer? Swiss, transparent and HD.
What is the difference between the Swiss, transparent and HD lace closures? The Swiss lace closure is light brown and slightly thicker than the transparent lace closure.
The transparent lace closure is gray and can be used by any one.
The HD lace closure is the thinnest available and gives you the most natural look. It is also the most expensive.
I know what you are thinking. Which lace closure should I used? Honestly, I like all three. It all comes down to preference. They are all easy to apply and can match any skin tone. All you need is your trusty foundation or concealer for the perfect match.